
Asbestos is recognised today as by far the largest occupational killer in the UK.

Industrial deaths even exceed those from road accidents.

Asbestos deaths in the UK are currently over 5,500 a year and still rising.

Nearly all our buildings in the UK will have some Asbestos containing materials in them, as late as the mid 1980s there were no effective official bans and the use of Asbestos in buildings was not totally banned until 1999! In the 50s 60s and 70s alone 20 million tonnes were imported into the UK. There is still a lot of it out there!

What you have to do:‐

Train your employees in awareness/management of asbestos.

Survey the buildings you control and manage the asbestos.

Why you should do it:‐

You have a duty of care to your employees, other organisations employees and the public. Remember ignorance of the law is no defence in court.

Fines on organisations can be unlimited and fines can be up to £20,000 on responsible individuals. Directors can be disqualified and premises closed.